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Sometimes It Takes A Village

Nancy Spear

It's hard when an adult child lives far away from a parent. It can be difficult to find a doctor, a caregiver, or....someone to help with an Apple ID.

That's why a woman in Northern California was so happy to find me online and ask me to help her father. We met at a cafe in West LA.

He handed me his iPhone. I tried his Apple ID several times with no success. I attempted to reset it but he didn't receive the reset email. Next move? I called Apple Support. Apple Advisor Shelley was patient as we passed the phone back and forth. I navigated the phone for her, giving her the IME number and going through the settings; my client, however, couldn't answer the security questions.

After a half hour, we learned that his reset email was going to his son-in-law, who was not available. We were at a standstill. I assured him that his daughter and I would resolve the issue.

That night, I emailed his daughter all the info she needed: the IME number, the Apple Case number, and my new friend Shelley's contact information. Between Shelley, his daughter, and I, we reset his password.

By the next lesson, I was able to show him how to find his granddaughter's photos on Facebook, save the photos to his camera roll, use FaceTime, and purchase a few apps. But before we could do all that, I was lucky enough to be the conduit between Shelley from Apple and his daughter, who was miles away.

Because sometimes it take a village.

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